Apply a motion path to text or an object

Apply a motion path to text or an object

You can add more complex or custom animation motions to text or an object. Watch this short demo to see some examples.
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  1. Click the object or text to which you want to add a motion path. The path that you apply is followed by the center of the object or text bullet.
  2. On the Animations tab, in the Animations group, under Motion Paths, do one of the following:
  3. ClickLines, Arcs, Turns, ShapesorLoops. The path chosen appears as a dotted line on the selected object or text object.
    The green arrow indicates the path’s beginning and the red arrow indicates its end.
  4. Click Custom Path. When you click where you want the motion path to start, the pointer becomes a pen Pencil used to draw tables .
    To draw a path of connected straight lines    Click where you want the motion path to start. Move the pointer and click where you want the line to end. Draw the next connected line by clicking where you want it to end. Double-click at the motion’s final end point.
    To draw an irregular path    Click where you want the motion to start. Hold down the left mouse button and move the pointer on the path that you want the motion path to follow. Double-click at the motion’s final end point.
  5. To see the complete animation and sound for the slide, on the Animations tab, in the Preview group, click Preview.


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